Re: [w3c/manifest] Control the default behavior at the moment of completion of the installation (#995)

(I read the spec roughly. This behavior is not defined in the spec.)

> This sounds like it might be a chrome bug/behavior?

It depends on how to solve the problem.

- From the perspective of standard: there should be more explanations or notes for installation related behaviors.
- From the perspective of browser implementation: after installation, browser can let the user manually launch the app, like installing a native app.
- From the perspective of developers: browser can provide an API for developers to control this behavior. I initially considered from this perspective.

On desktop OS, I think chrome's current behavior is inappropriate. But developers have a workaround for it:
window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').addEventListener('change', (evt) => {
    if(evt.matches) { // display mode changed to 'standalone' after installation
        location.replace(start_url or other appropriate url);

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