Re: [whatwg/dom] Some tweaks for traverse algo and others (#87)

> > BTW, it's collection (rooted at root, whose filter matches any node), but for iterator sense root should not be included to this collection (as first element)?
> I don't quite understand this comment.

"Each NodeIterator object has an associated iterator collection, which is a collection rooted at the NodeIterator object’s root, whose filter matches any node."

I don't understand what "rooted" means here. There is no any description for that term. For [`collection`]( we see: "A collection is an object that represents a list of nodes...."

From that prose I don't know if NodeIterator object’s root is part of iterator collection or not. It's important for `nextNode()` and `previousNode()`. It looks like it's part of the collection (in 0 idx) because we finally get this root, but it should be written directly. It is possible that it is not clear to me only :)

"The nextNode() method, when invoked, must return the result of traversing with this and next." << it realy hard read prose mixed with code, where the code doesn't have some distinction, like here for "next". This "next" jump to algorithm whera also "next" looks like normal text (not here because here has bold, but I saw other algorithms were passing value has no any style).

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