Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Add Scoped CustomElementRegsitry explainer (#865)

Yes, it's a complication, but it also seems somewhat necessary for a complete design of this feature. I could see not supporting it if we have a viable path to add it in the next version though. Basically, we need to tackle multiple documents in one of two ways:

1. Support multiple documents, even though this is weirdly inconsistent with the global registry which only supports a single document.
2. Support developers with some kind of API if they want to handle cross-document inserts. Potentially we don't ship this initially and whenever you move a shadow root with a custom registry across document boundaries it's broken. However, we should have a concrete design to add it in the future as moving nodes across documents is fairly common and not unreasonable.

(Note that the way custom elements / the global registry offer support here is through the `adoptedCallback`, which allows you to change things around as needed.)

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