Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] Permissions policy (formerly feature policy) evolution (#341)

Looking at the list of permission policies, it is a lot more consistent in terms of design after the split. I at least am happy about this change, and it makes it much nicer to define a clear pattern (e.g. if you have a permission, you must also have a corresponding permission policy) on what specs should do.

It seems like that the first concern (at least the specific part) has been addressed by removing lazyload? Are there any others that follow this pattern that we are unaware of?

The second part of the concern looks like it is now in document policy, so we'll track that there.

It feels like in the registry it would be helpful to have a column to distinguish permission-gated (e.g. geolocation) features, quasi-permission-gated (e.g. autoplay), and the other kind. (which I don't have a good name for - e.g. execution-while-out-of-viewport)

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