Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] WebXR DOM Overlay Module (#470)

@dbaron wrote, in July:

> So the TAG looked at this for about 20 minutes in our breakout just now, and we were struggling with the explainer in various ways:
> […]
> We suggest revisiting the [tips for effective explainers](, and perhaps also other parts of that document.
> An explainer that is difficult to read makes it hard for interested members of the web community to understand what you're proposing and to provide useful feedback. These include the TAG. Given today's discussion, I think it's likely that the TAG wouldn't review this proposal with the explainer in its current state.

@klausw replied:

> Apologies for confusion caused by this. I'll work on updating the explainer

@torgo and I took another look at this during our virtual F2F this week, and it [doesn't look like this explainer has been updated yet]( Marking as stalled and pending editor update.

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