Re: [whatwg/encoding] Editorial: Clarify the usage the output I/O queues in the hooks (#230)

@annevk commented on this pull request.

Thanks, looks good modulo nit. This isn't editorial per I do wonder if we should have something for these kind of changes as most folks would probably want to skip them too.

>   <a>UTF-8 encode</a> algorithms are effectively I/O queues of scalar values, i.e., they contain
  no <a>surrogates</a>.
+ <p>These hooks, with the exception of <a>BOM sniff</a>, will block until the input I/O queue has
+ been consumed in its entirety. In order to use the output tokens as they are pushed into the
+ stream, callers are to invoke the hooks with an empty output I/O queue and read from it <a>in

No newline inside `<a>`.

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