[whatwg/fullscreen] Requesting a wake lock when going fullscreen (#185)

It might be nice to be able to request a screen wake lock when requesting fullscreen. Use case, for example giving a live presentation via a website (see [other possible use case](https://w3c-webmob.github.io/wake-lock-use-cases/)). 

I'm imagining something like:

body.requestFullscreen({ keepScreenOn: true });

Unlike the Screen Wake Lock API, this would have several advantages: 

 * remove the need for developer to have to manage multiple locks.
 * explicitly ties into the implicit grant permissions model of the Fullscreen API, while keeping the use in control: When the user exits full screen, the screen wake lock is silently released. 
 * no information leakage: the website would not know if the request for the wake lock was granted, and the OS or browser could safely drop the request without notifying the website that it no longer has the lock (e.g., the device enters a low-power state).


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