Re: [heycam/webidl] Define the `[CrossOriginIsolated]` extended attribute. (#883)

This looks pretty close to landing, and would like to use it. I'm happy to carry this over the finish line, but can someone confirm for me what's left to do? My read is:

- Update to cross-link to the HTML spec definition of "cross-origin isolated", now that it exists. Since it lives on an agent cluster I guess we'll need to indirect a bit; something like global -> relevant agent -> agent cluster -> cross-origin isolated.

- Specify the restrictions @annevk prefers on doubling this up with [SecureContext]. In particular, I think it suffices to say something like "[SecureContext] must not be specified when a construct is conditionally exposed on [CrossOriginIsolated]; doing so would be redundant, since every environment which is cross-origin isolated is also a secure context".

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