Re: [whatwg/dom] DOM Events introduction: clarify how listeners are invoked (#890)

@kevinsung commented on this pull request.

> -<a>event listeners</a> whose
-<a for="event listener">capture</a> variable is set to true are invoked, in
-<a>tree order</a>. Second, object's own
-<a>event listeners</a> are invoked. And
-finally, and only if <a>event</a>'s
-{{Event/bubbles}} attribute value is true,
-object's  <a>ancestor</a>
-<a>event listeners</a> are invoked again,
-but now in reverse <a>tree order</a>.
-Let's look at an example of how <a>events</a> work in a <a>tree</a>:
-<pre class='lang-markup'>
+<p>When an <a>event</a> is <a>dispatched</a> to an object that <a>participates</a> in a <a>tree</a>
+(e.g., an <a for=/>element</a>), it can reach <a>event listeners</a> on that object's
+<a>ancestors</a> too. Effectively, all the object's <a>inclusive ancestor</a> <a>event listeners</a>

The use of the word "Effectively" leaves ambiguity as to what the true behavior is. If there is in fact no ambiguity, then I would not use that word; I would replace it with "Firstly" or "In particular" or something like that. If there is in fact ambiguity (I do not know) then it's fine to leave it, though a note of clarification may be helpful.

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