Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Expose shadowRoot on element internals (#871)

> Ok, thanks. I've started doing just that, so I'll check back here once I've had a chance. This week is busy, so possibly next week. In the meantime, if anyone sees any obvious (or not so obvious) issues, do let me know.

I implemented this in Chromium, and added some [WPT tests]( As far as I can tell, this works pretty well. The tests should include most of the troublesome code samples from this issue thread, but please let me know if I missed a corner case that should be tested.

In particular, I think the "intractability" you encountered last time was likely in trying to disallow calls to `attachInternals()` **after** the constructor runs, so that it is only callable from the constructor? This patch/change merely ensures that the constructor is the **first** place that it can be called.

Based on the above, I'll put together a spec PR. Sound ok?

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