[heycam/webidl] Normative: Match ECMA‑262 function property enumeration order (#914)

This makes the order of the `"length"`, `"name"` and `"prototype"` properties on **WebIDL** function objects match web reality (at least **Firefox**’s behaviour) and **ECMA‑262** as of <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/1490>.

I’ve also moved the computation of the function’s `name` and `length` to before the [CreateBuiltinFunction] call in preparation for <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2116>.

[CreateBuiltinFunction]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createbuiltinfunction

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Normative: Match ECMA‑262 function property enumeration order

-- File Changes --

    M index.bs (62)

-- Patch Links --



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Received on Thursday, 3 September 2020 05:16:04 UTC