Re: [whatwg/dom] Batched MutationObserver callbacks make it possibly difficult to reduce changes. (#484)

In case anyone stumbles here, I've been batched mutations [like this]9

Here's the code snippet from there:

// TODO padd an options object to make it more clear what the args are.
function observeChildren(target: any, onConnect: any, onDisconnect: any, skipTextNodes: any) {
 // TODO this Map is never cleaned, leaks memory. Maybe use WeakMap
 const childObserver = createChildObserver(onConnect, onDisconnect, skipTextNodes)
 childObserver.observe(target, {childList: true})
 return childObserver

// NOTE: If a child is disconnected then connected to the same parent in the
// same turn, then the onConnect and onDisconnect callbacks won't be called
// because the DOM tree will be back in the exact state as before (this is
// possible thanks to the logic associated with weightsPerTarget).
function createChildObserver(onConnect: any, onDisconnect: any, skipTextNodes = false) {
 return new MutationObserver(changes => {
  const weightsPerTarget = new Map<any, Map<any, any>>()

  // We're just counting how many times each child node was added and
  // removed from the parent we're observing.
  for (let i = 0, l = changes.length; i < l; i += 1) {
   const change = changes[i]

   if (change.type != 'childList') continue

   let weights = weightsPerTarget.get(

   if (!weights) weightsPerTarget.set(, (weights = new Map()))

   const {addedNodes} = change
   for (let l = addedNodes.length, i = 0; i < l; i += 1)
    weights.set(addedNodes[i], (weights.get(addedNodes[i]) || 0) + 1)

   const {removedNodes} = change
   for (let l = removedNodes.length, i = 0; i < l; i += 1)
    weights.set(removedNodes[i], (weights.get(removedNodes[i]) || 0) - 1)

  // NOTE, the destructuring inside the for..of header currently doesn't
  // work due to a Buble bug, so we destructure inside the loop instead.
  // for (const [target, weights] of Array.from(weightsPerTarget)) {
  for (const entry of Array.from(weightsPerTarget)) {
   const [target, weights] = entry

   // for (const [node, weight] of Array.from(weights)) {
   for (const entry of Array.from(weights)) {
    const [node, weight] = entry

    if (skipTextNodes && (node instanceof Text || node instanceof Comment)) continue

    // If the number of times a child was added is greater than the
    // number of times it was removed, then the net result is that
    // it was added, so we call onConnect just once.
    if (weight > 0 && typeof onConnect == 'function'), node)
    // If the number of times a child was added is less than the
    // number of times it was removed, then the net result is that
    // it was removed, so we call onDisconnect just once.
    else if (weight < 0 && typeof onDisconnect == 'function'), node)

    // If the number of times a child was added is equal to the
    // number of times it was removed, then it was essentially left
    // in place, so we don't call anything.

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