Re: [w3c/FileAPI] Consider Blob.fromStream (returns a Promise<Blob>) (#140)


`const blob = await new Response(stream).blob();` 

throws a `TypeError` 

`Promise {<rejected>: TypeError: Failed to fetch}`

The concept appears to be similar what is possible with Native File System, e.g., 

const fileFromStream = async(stream, fileName) =>  {
  const dir = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
  await stream
    .pipeTo(await (await dir.getFile(fileName, { create: true }))
    .createWritable(), { preventCancel: true });
  const file = (await dir.getFile(fileName)).getFile();
  // cleanup potential lingering temporary file (until page refreshed) in sandbox
  await dir.removeEntry(fileName);
  // sanity check
  for await(let entry of dir.getEntries()) {
    console.log(await entry);
    if (entry.isDirectory) await entry.removeRecursively();
    else await dir.removeEntry(fileName);
  return file;

fileFromStream(new ReadableStream({start(c) {c.enqueue('1'); c.close()}}), 'file')
.then(console.log, console.error);

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