Re: [heycam/webidl] Introduce the observable array type (proxy-based) (#840)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> +        1.  If |descriptor|.\[[Value]] is present, then return the result of
+            [=observable array exotic object/setting the length=] given |handler| and
+            |descriptor|.\[[Value]].
+        1.  Return <emu-val>true</emu-val>.
+    1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
+        1.  If [=!=] [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is <emu-val>true</emu-val>, then return
+            <emu-val>false</emu-val>.
+        1.  If |descriptor|.\[[Configurable]] is present and has the value <emu-val>false</emu-val>,
+            then return <emu-val>false</emu-val>.
+        1.  If |descriptor|.\[[Enumerable]] is present and has the value <emu-val>false</emu-val>,
+            then return <emu-val>false</emu-val>.
+        1.  If |descriptor|.\[[Writable]] is present and has the value <emu-val>false</emu-val>,
+            then return <emu-val>false</emu-val>.
+        1.  If |descriptor|.\[[Value]] is present, then return the result of
+            [=observable array exotic object/setting the indexed value=] given |handler|, |P|, and
+            |descriptor|.\[[Value]].

Hmm. This follows but does it incorrectly. There an absent value field will return true without doing anything. I'll update this to follow that behavior.

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