Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] WebSocketStream (#394)

@kenchris and I are looking at this in a breakout at our Wellington face-to-face.

We're curious what the status of this is.  There was discussion in the past about changing to a stream-of-streams model?  Has that been abandoned, or is that going to move forwards?

It would also be useful to have some explainer updates to explain how this fits with other work and perhaps how it relates to both specification and reality of web sockets (see [earlier comment](

It sounds like there is implementation work proceeding and this is available behind a flag, and it sounds like there's been some performance work on that implementation.  Is that for the stream-of-messages (or stream-of-chunks) model?

Is it at a stage where TAG feedback would be useful, or would that be more useful at some point in the past or future?

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