[whatwg/streams] Editorial: use structs instead of records (#1047)

This series of commits (meant to be squashed, but separated out for easier reviewing) moves the spec from using ES-262 [records](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-list-and-record-specification-type) to Infra [structs](https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#struct).

The main advantage here is that it lets us define the structs and their items in more detail, so that the reader has a better chance of knowing what they mean. Additionally, we can easily cross-link to the item definitions from their usage sites.

It also has the minor advantage of moving us more toward other web specifications, and reducing the problem posed by #825.

In the process I made the following editorial changes that went beyond fancy search-and-replace. (These are the ones that show up as changed in the reference implementation.)

- Instead of representing a writable stream's internal queue as containing chunks that were either the string "close" or a Record{ [[chunk]]: _jsValue_ }}, I created a "special close value" which can be put alongside the chunks directly.

- I renamed one of the items for "pending pull-into descriptors" from "ctor" to "view constructor".


I'd mildly prefer to merge this before continuing work on #1045, since per the latest thinking there we'll bundle the chunkSteps/doneSteps/errorSteps into a struct, and it'd be good to stay consistent.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Pending abort request
  * Special close value
  * Queue with sizes
  * pull-into descriptors
  * Readable byte stream queue entries

-- File Changes --

    M index.bs (272)
    M reference-implementation/lib/ReadableByteStreamController-impl.js (2)
    M reference-implementation/lib/abstract-ops/readable-streams.js (4)
    M reference-implementation/lib/abstract-ops/writable-streams.js (14)

-- Patch Links --


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Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 21:13:05 UTC