Re: [whatwg/url] Support relative URLs (#531)

Ohh, I see what you want now. (Tip: When filing a bug asking for a change to API behaviour, please give sample input and output so it's clear what you want.)

So am I right in thinking that this is what you want for my three examples:

// Proposed API.
> new URL('to');

> new URL('to', '/from/');

> new URL('to', '//');

(Noting that I'm using strings to represent the output above, but it would actually be a URL object.)

OK that makes sense. It does mean changing the URL object to allow representation of all kinds of relative URLs (scheme-relative, host-relative, path-relative, query-relative and fragment-relative). Though maybe that's helpful in explaining in general all of those different kinds of relative, which currently are not captured in the spec other than as details of the parser algorithm.

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