Re: [w3c/manifest] Feature Request: Shortcuts categories (#922)

> macOS send to have multiple collections, but I'm still looking for the documentation.

Yes, macOS does (sort of). The menus are called [Dock Menus]( A Dock Menu essentially is an [NSMenu]( that can take different [NSMenuItem]( Those again can either be a regular item or a [separator](

With the help of separators, you could build different categories:

User agents could even choose to show the category title:

func applicationDockMenu(_ sender: NSApplication) -> NSMenu? {
    let dockMenu = NSMenu()
    dockMenu.autoenablesItems = false
    dockMenu.addItem(withTitle: "Timeline", action: #selector(action), keyEquivalent: "T")
    // Uncomment for category title
    // dockMenu.addItem(withTitle: "Conversations", action: #selector(action), keyEquivalent: "C").isEnabled = false
    dockMenu.addItem(withTitle: "Mentions", action: #selector(action), keyEquivalent: "M")
    dockMenu.addItem(withTitle: "Direct Messages", action: #selector(action), keyEquivalent: "D")
    return dockMenu

Generally, I think this feature is super important and developers would like to have it, so I strongly support it!

However, I’m not sure if simply adding the `category` property is sufficient:
- How are the categories sorted? By the appearance of the first categorized item in the array? Or would the items have to appear consecutively? What if they don't?
- Can I have more than one category with the same name? (e.g., in macOS, you could have different “unnamed” categories)

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