[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS overflow: clip and overflow-clip-margin (#579)


I'm requesting a TAG review of CSS overflow: clip and overflow-clip-margin

[One paragraph summary of idea, ideally copy-pasted from Explainer introduction]

Adds two CSS features. The 'clip' value results in a box’s content being clipped to the box's overflow clip edge. In addition, no scrolling interface is provided, and the content can not be scrolled by the user or programmatically. The overflow-clip-margin property enables specifying how far outside the bounds an element is allowed to paint before being clipped.

  - Explainer¹: None
  - Specification URL: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-3/#valdef-overflow-clip and https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-3/#propdef-overflow-clip-margin .
  - Tests:

  - Security and Privacy self-review²: Not aware of any security or privacy implications
  - GitHub repo (if you prefer feedback filed there): None
  - Primary contacts (and their relationship to the specification):
      - sky@google.com
  - Organization(s)/project(s) driving the specification: CSSWG
  - Key pieces of existing multi-stakeholder review or discussion of this specification: Continued evolution of overflow.
  - External status/issue trackers for this specification (publicly visible, e.g. Chrome Status): https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5638444178997248

Further details:

  - [ ] I have reviewed the TAG's [API Design Principles](https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/)
  - Relevant time constraints or deadlines: Would love to enable this now (89) in chrome.
  - The group where the work on this specification is currently being done: CSSWG
  - Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this specification: none
  - This work is being funded by:  Google

You should also know that...

[please tell us anything you think is relevant to this review]

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

  🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for **each point of feedback**

  ☂️ open a single issue in our GitHub repo **for the entire review**

  💬 leave review feedback as a **comment in this issue** and @-notify [github usernames]

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Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2020 22:56:57 UTC