Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] `<iframe sandbox />` + SW (#1390)

Is there currently any solution to have a single service worker registered at the window level (top) and have access to the "fetch" events inside iframes (of any kind)? Or to put it another way: Why aren't the fetch events triggered for iframes without a src attribute?

I've tried using iframes without a src attribute but with no luck (including with sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts"). The src attribute must be a real URL, meaning it needs either a SW interceptor or a real html page from the server. Blob URLs as well as srcdoc attributes don't contribute to the fetch event in the main service worker. Also the URL must be on the same domain for the fetch events to start working for iframes. One other thing to mention is if the parent script tries to open the iframe document to write something:; iframe.contentDocument.write('hi mom'); iframe.contentDocument.close(); 

The fetch events will be ignored even if the src attribute is set with a valid URL.

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