Re: [whatwg/streams] Editorial: add cross-links to internal slots (#1050)

Here are some options that I'd be happy with:

1. Don't link for this special case.
2. Branch the spec in a way that reads kinda strange: "If reader is a ReadableStreamDefaultReader, resolve reader.[[closedPromise]] with undefined. If reader is a ReadableStreamBYOBReader, resolve reader.[[closedPromise]] with undefined." With each sentence having a difference link.
3. Add an "Interfacing with readers" section.

Personally, I don't think we should change the IDL for this kind of internal factoring concern... although I can kind of see the appeal of formally expressing that this sub-part of the reader classes is shared, with its own identity. That is, this does feel a bit more like a shared sub-part, than like polymorphism.

Anyway, (3) is a bit weird to me. Do we move the [[stream]] slot there too? Is this all for a single [[closedPromise]] manipulation?

If such polymorphic access to [[closedPromise]] happens multiple times, then I'd feel better about (3). And if polymorphic access to [[stream]] happened, then I'd definitely say we should do (3). But if this is rare, then (1) or (2) seem more reasonable.

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