Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Editorial: update to modern Web IDL conventions (#1528)

@jakearchibald commented on this pull request.

> @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
       <h4 id="service-worker-url">{{ServiceWorker/scriptURL}}</h4>
-      The <dfn attribute for="ServiceWorker"><code>scriptURL</code></dfn> attribute *must* return the [=/service worker=]'s <a lt="URL serializer">serialized</a> [=service worker/script url=].
+      The <dfn attribute for="ServiceWorker"><code>scriptURL</code></dfn> getter steps  are to return the [=/service worker=]'s <a lt="URL serializer">serialized</a> [=service worker/script url=].

      The <dfn attribute for="ServiceWorker"><code>scriptURL</code></dfn> getter steps are to return the [=/service worker=]'s <a lt="URL serializer">serialized</a> [=service worker/script url=].

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