Re: [w3c/pointerlock] Add lock options to requestPointerLock (#49)

@jameshollyergoogle commented on this pull request.

Domenic, thanks for all the reviews.  I tried my best. I am sure there is still more to do. Let me know what you think.

> +          error in changing state. They are named <dfn>pointerlockchange</dfn>
+          and <dfn>pointerlockerror</dfn>. If pointer lock is entered or exited
+          for any reason a <a>pointerlockchange</a> event must be sent.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          <a>User agents</a> must deliver these events by <a data-lt=
+          "queue a task">queuing a task</a> to <a>fire an event</a> of the
+          appropriate name with its <code>bubbles</code> attribute [[DOM]] set to
+          false to the pointer lock <a>target</a> element's <a>node document</a>.
+        </p>
+        <p class="note">
+          Magnification software increases the size of content on the screen. It
+          uses the mouse to move the magnified point of focus around. When a
+          pointer lock is initiated, the magnification software needs to switch
+          to using the keyboard to move the magnified point of focus around
+          instead. When a pointerlockchange event is fired, web browsers

I think there is something more specific that you mean that I am missing?  Are you saying to change the wording or should I also put it somewhere not in a note?

> +            we will call the <dfn>target</dfn>, receives all mouse events and the cursor
+            is hidden.</p>
+          <p>
+            Once in the <a>Pointer Lock State</a> the <a>user agent</a> must fire all
+            relevant user generated {{MouseEvent}} events (for example:
+            `mousemove`, `mousedown`, `mouseup`, `click`, and `wheel`)
+            [[ui-events]] to the <a>target</a> of pointer lock, and not fire
+            mouse events to other elements. Events that require the concept of
+            a mouse cursor must not be dispatched (for example: `mouseover`,
+            `mouseout`, `drag`, and `drop`).
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            <dl data-dfn-for="PointerLockOptions" data-link-for=
+            "PointerLockOptions">
+              While in the <a>Pointer Lock State</a> if <a>unadjustedMovement</a> is
+              <code>true</code> the event coordinates must not be affected by the

I changed the text to explicitly call unadjustedMovement as a member of PointerLockOptions and removed the undefined option.

> +              While in the <a>Pointer Lock State</a> if <a>unadjustedMovement</a> is
+              <code>true</code> the event coordinates must not be affected by the
+              underlying platform behaviors such as mouse acceleration. In other
+              words, UA must use the APIs provided by the underlying platform to
+              guaranteee getting the raw events. If <a>unadjustedMovement</a>
+              is <code>undefined</code> or <code>false</code> UA must rely on the
+              default behavior of the underlying platform regarding the mouse
+              acceleration.
+            </dl>
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            In the <a>Pointer Lock State</a> the system mouse cursor must be hidden.
+            Movement and button presses of the mouse must not cause the window
+            to lose focus.
+          </p>
+          <p>


> +              If this value is set to `true`, then the pointer movements will
+              not be affected by the underlying platform modications such as
+              mouse accelaration.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <h3>
+          `"pointerlockchange"` and `"pointerlockerror"` Events
+        </h3>
+        <p>
+          Two events are used to communicate pointer lock state change or an
+          error in changing state. They are named <dfn>pointerlockchange</dfn>
+          and <dfn>pointerlockerror</dfn>. If pointer lock is entered or exited
+          for any reason a <a>pointerlockchange</a> event must be sent.


> +            </p>
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <h3>
+          `"pointerlockchange"` and `"pointerlockerror"` Events
+        </h3>
+        <p>
+          Two events are used to communicate pointer lock state change or an
+          error in changing state. They are named <dfn>pointerlockchange</dfn>
+          and <dfn>pointerlockerror</dfn>. If pointer lock is entered or exited
+          for any reason a <a>pointerlockchange</a> event must be sent.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          <a>User agents</a> must deliver these events by <a data-lt=

Remove the whole paragraph right?  That makes section 3.3 consist of only 2 notes.  Is that ok or maybe these notes should be moved to somewhere else? Maybe section 5?

> -            relevant user generated {{MouseEvent}} events (for example:
-            `mousemove`, `mousedown`, `mouseup`, `click`, and `wheel`)
-            [[ui-events]] to the <a>target</a> of pointer lock, and not fire
-            mouse events to other elements. Events that require the concept of
-            a mouse cursor must not be dispatched (for example: `mouseover`,
-            `mouseout`, `drag`, and `drop`).
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            In the locked state the system mouse cursor must be hidden.
-            Movement and button presses of the mouse must not cause the window
-            to lose focus.
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
-            regardless of lock state.
+            RequestPointerLock() will follow these steps


> -            mouse events to other elements. Events that require the concept of
-            a mouse cursor must not be dispatched (for example: `mouseover`,
-            `mouseout`, `drag`, and `drop`).
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            In the locked state the system mouse cursor must be hidden.
-            Movement and button presses of the mouse must not cause the window
-            to lose focus.
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
-            regardless of lock state.
+            RequestPointerLock() will follow these steps
+            <ol>
+              <li>
+                If the the <a>target</a>'s

I changed it to use this's with the href.  However, I don't completely understand why.

> -          <p>
-            In the locked state the system mouse cursor must be hidden.
-            Movement and button presses of the mouse must not cause the window
-            to lose focus.
-          </p>
-          <p>
-            Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
-            regardless of lock state.
+            RequestPointerLock() will follow these steps
+            <ol>
+              <li>
+                If the the <a>target</a>'s
+                <a>shadow-including root</a> is the <a>active document</a> of a
+                [=Document/browsing context=] which is (or has an <a>ancestor
+                browsing context</a> which is) in focus by a window which is in
+                focus by the operating system's window manager queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> 


> +                "{{WrongDocumentError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If any element (including this one), whose <a>shadow-including
+                root</a> is same as this element's <a>shadow-including root</a>, is
+                already locked (or pending lock) follow these steps:

Ok I tried to clean this up a bit.  Let me know what you think.

> -      </p>
-      <p class="note">
-        Magnification software increases the size of content on the screen. It
-        uses the mouse to move the magnified point of focus around. When a
-        pointer lock is initiated, the magnification software needs to switch
-        to using the keyboard to move the magnified point of focus around
-        instead. When a pointerlockchange event is fired, web browsers
-        therefore need to make sure the event is communicated to assistive
-        technologies like screen magnifiers.
-      </p>
+      <section>
+        <h3>
+          The <dfn>Pointer Lock State</dfn> Definition
+        </h3>
+          <p><a>Pointer Lock State</a> is the state where a single DOM element, which
+            we will call the <dfn>target</dfn>, receives all mouse events and the cursor

Changed to state the user agent has the target and change the name to pointer-lock target.

> -          <p>
-            Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
-            regardless of lock state.
+            RequestPointerLock() will follow these steps
+            <ol>
+              <li>
+                If the the <a>target</a>'s
+                <a>shadow-including root</a> is the <a>active document</a> of a
+                [=Document/browsing context=] which is (or has an <a>ancestor
+                browsing context</a> which is) in focus by a window which is in
+                focus by the operating system's window manager queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> 
+                and <a href="">reject</a> the promise with a
+                "{{WrongDocumentError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different

Done.  Is it appropriate to link shadow-including root twice in one sentence or would one link be enough?  I linked it twice.

> -            regardless of lock state.
+            RequestPointerLock() will follow these steps
+            <ol>
+              <li>
+                If the the <a>target</a>'s
+                <a>shadow-including root</a> is the <a>active document</a> of a
+                [=Document/browsing context=] which is (or has an <a>ancestor
+                browsing context</a> which is) in focus by a window which is in
+                focus by the operating system's window manager queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> 
+                and <a href="">reject</a> the promise with a
+                "{{WrongDocumentError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.

I chose InvalidStateError(NotAllowedError is now used for requiring user gesture) and will update Chrome's implementation to match this before shipping.

> +              <li>
+                If the the <a>target</a>'s
+                <a>shadow-including root</a> is the <a>active document</a> of a
+                [=Document/browsing context=] which is (or has an <a>ancestor
+                browsing context</a> which is) in focus by a window which is in
+                focus by the operating system's window manager queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> 
+                and <a href="">reject</a> the promise with a
+                "{{WrongDocumentError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different

Yea, looks like it.  Removed.

> +                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If the pointer is already locked by an element whose <a>shadow-including root</a> is a different
+                document queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and <a href="">reject</a> 
+                the promise with a "{{InUseAttributeError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If any element (including this one), whose <a>shadow-including
+                root</a> is same as this element's <a>shadow-including root</a>, is
+                already locked (or pending lock) follow these steps:
+                <ol>
+                  <li>
+                    If the <a>pointerLockOptions</a> have not changed the pointer lock <a>target</a>

That was on purpose.  This is the success for changing of pointer lock as opposed to the success of acquiring pointer lock.  It does not require a user gesture. In the implementation this branches off before checking the other pieces because it does not require the same checks. The NotSupportedError is kind of a duplicate in this substep but, I did not know how to separate this out.

> +                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    If the options have changed and the new options are supported the pointer lock <a>target</a>
+                    must be updated to this element, the new options must be used, a <a>pointerlockchange</a>
+                    event sent, and the promise must <a>resolve</a>.
+                  </li>
+                </ol>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If any element (including this one), whose <a>shadow-including
+                root</a> is same as this element's <a>shadow-including root</a>, is
+                already locked (or pending lock) the pointer lock <a>target</a>
+                must be updated to this element, a <a>pointerlockchange</a>
+                event sent and the promise must <a>Resolve</a>.
+              </li>
+              <li data-link-for="Document">

Oh cool I like that better too.

> +                  <li>
+                    If the options have changed and the new options are supported the pointer lock <a>target</a>
+                    must be updated to this element, the new options must be used, a <a>pointerlockchange</a>
+                    event sent, and the promise must <a>resolve</a>.
+                  </li>
+                </ol>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If any element (including this one), whose <a>shadow-including
+                root</a> is same as this element's <a>shadow-including root</a>, is
+                already locked (or pending lock) the pointer lock <a>target</a>
+                must be updated to this element, a <a>pointerlockchange</a>
+                event sent and the promise must <a>Resolve</a>.
+              </li>
+              <li data-link-for="Document">
+                If the request was not started from an <a>engagement gesture</a> and 

That page is not the correct link.  The engagement gesture is different from tracking user activation.

> +                  </li>
+                </ol>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                If any element (including this one), whose <a>shadow-including
+                root</a> is same as this element's <a>shadow-including root</a>, is
+                already locked (or pending lock) the pointer lock <a>target</a>
+                must be updated to this element, a <a>pointerlockchange</a>
+                event sent and the promise must <a>Resolve</a>.
+              </li>
+              <li data-link-for="Document">
+                If the request was not started from an <a>engagement gesture</a> and 
+                the Document has not previously released a successful Pointer Lock with 
+                {{exitPointerLock()}} queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and 
+                <a href="">reject</a> the promise 
+                with a "{{ConstraintError}}" {{DOMException}}.


> +                  <p>
+                    Conversely, if pointer lock is exited via {{exitPointerLock()}}
+                    no <a>engagement gesture</a> is required to reenter pointer lock.
+                    This enables applications that frequently move between
+                    interaction modes, and ones that may do so based on a timer or
+                    remote network activity.
+                  </p>
+                  <p data-link-for="Element">
+                    Pointer lock is commonly combined with fullscreen [[FULLSCREEN]],
+                    and if an <a>engagement gesture</a> is used to enter fullscreen
+                    it is sufficient for a subsequent {{requestPointerLock()}}.
+                  </p>
+                </aside>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                if the document object's


> +                sandboxing flag set</a> has the <a>sandboxed pointer lock browsing
+                context flag</a> set queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and 
+                <a href="">reject</a> the 
+                promise with a "{{SecurityError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <dl data-dfn-for="PointerLockOptions" data-link-for=
+                "PointerLockOptions">
+                  If if <a>unadjustedMovement</a> is true and the platform does not 
+                  support <a>unadjustedMovement</a> queue <a>pointerlockerror</a> and 
+                  <a href="">reject</a> the 
+                  promise with a "{{NotSupportedError}}" {{DOMException}}.
+                </dl>
+                <aside class="note" data-link-for="Document">
+                  "{{NotSupportedError}}" {{DOMException}} should be reserved for 
+                  unsupported options in future iterations of this spec.

I added that text. We now have support coming out for all platforms except Android(which does not make any sense for this API anyway). Do you still think this is important?

> @@ -332,7 +454,7 @@ <h2>
-            Initiates an exit from pointer lock state if currently locked to a
+            Initiates an exit from <a>pointer lock state</a> if currently locked to a

I changed this and did my best to define "exit pointer lock".  I am sure you will have some comments on it though.

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