Re: [whatwg/streams] Rewrite to use Web IDL, and generally modernize (#1035)

@domenic commented on this pull request.

> +
+function resolvePromise(p, value) {
+  promiseSideTable.get(p).resolve(value);
+  promiseSideTable.get(p).stateIsPending = false;
+function rejectPromise(p, reason) {
+  promiseSideTable.get(p).reject(reason);
+  promiseSideTable.get(p).stateIsPending = false;
+function promiseResolvedWith(value) {
+  // Cannot use original Promise.resolve since that will return value itself sometimes, unlike Web IDL.

It is, because then we don't end up with a weak map entry for the promise sometimes.

This implementation is actually more in line with Web IDL's "promised resolved with" than one that uses `Promise.resolve`; Web IDL always creates a new promise.

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