[w3c/screen-orientation] Apply an orientation lock rejects its own newly created promise (#198)

In `7.2.3`:
> Set doc's `[[orientationPendingPromise]]` to a newly-created promise.

Then in ``:
> Let _browsing contexts_ be the list of the descendant browsing contexts of the top-level browsing context's document. 

Since doc's browsing context is a descendant of the top-level browsing context's document, doc's browsing context will itself be in _browsing contexts_.

Then in ``:
> If one of the _browsing contexts_'s document's `[[orientationPendingPromise]]` is not `null`

which will be `true`, since it was set in `7.2.3`, so we have to do ``:
> Reject doc's [[orientationPendingPromise]] with "AbortError" DOMException.

Since this is done in parallel with the `` "Lock the orientation of the document to orientations." if it completes first we will reject the new promise that was just created.

It seems to me that `` needs to somehow exclude the promise created in `7.2.3`

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