Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Workers and non-JavaScript modules (#822)

> An analogous case: <script type=module src="config.json"></script>. This is pretty useless, but also harmless. The current specification allows it. I'd say we should make a common decision between workers and script tags.

In my opinion, module HTMLScriptElement's [deserve to have some properties that make sense for modules](

A javascript module element declares exports, and it declares imports, and to me it seems illogical that the Document Object Model for that particular script ought expose properties for these import and export declarations.

I wrote 2235 here thinking mainly about JavaScript modules, but I would expect those same sensibilities to apply to JSON modules, to HTML modules, to all modules: the DOM ought expose the underlying content that is declared, in the most polite, complete object-modelling manner it can muster. This is what the Document Object Model, for me, exists for.

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