Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Update agent and realm allocation (#1508)

@jakearchibald commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2853,33 +2853,28 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:
       1. Let |script| be |serviceWorker|'s [=service worker/script resource=].
       1. Assert: |script| is not null.
       1. Let |startFailed| be false.
-      1. Create a separate parallel execution environment (i.e. a separate thread or process or equivalent construct), and run the following steps in that context:
-          1. Call the JavaScript [=InitializeHostDefinedRealm|InitializeHostDefinedRealm()=] abstract operation with the following customizations:
+      1. Let |agent| be the result of [=obtain a service worker agent|obtaining a service worker agent=], and run the following steps in that context:
+          1. Let |realmExecutionContext| be the result of [=create a new JavaScript realm|creating a new JavaScript realm=] given |agent| and the following customizations:

Same here

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