Re: [heycam/webidl] WIP: Async value iterators (#808)

domenic commented on this pull request.

>              1.  Otherwise:
-                1.  Let (|key|, |value|, |newState|) be |next|.
-                1.  Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/state=] to |newState|.
-                1.  Let |result| be the [=iterator result=] for (|key|, |value|) and |kind|.
-                1.  Perform [=!=] [$Call$](|nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Resolve]],
-                    <emu-val>undefined</emu-val>, « |result| »).
-        1.  Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|resolveSteps|, « »).
+                1.  Assert: the corresponding [=asynchronously iterable declaration=] is a
+                    [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=].
+                1.  Assert: |next| is a value of the type that appears in the declaration.

Hmm, we need to make `@@asyncIterator = values` in this case too.

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