Re: [w3c/manifest] Add shortcuts feature to the explainer and spec (#768)

aarongustafson commented on this pull request.

> +        <p>
+          The steps for <dfn>processing the <code>shortcuts</code> member</dfn>
+          are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a
+          <a data-cite=
+          "WEBIDL#sequence-type">sequence</a>&lt;<a>ShortcutItem</a>&gt;
+          <var>shortcuts</var> as an argument. This algorithm returns an
+          <a data-cite=
+          "WEBIDL#sequence-type">sequence</a>&lt;<a>ShortcutItem</a>&gt;. For
+          each <var>shortcut</var> (<a>ShortcutItem</a>) in the sequence, set
+          <var>shortcut.icons</var> to the result of running <a>processing
+          `ImageResource` members</a> given <var>shortcut.icons</var> and
+          <var>manifest URL</var>.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          A user agent MUST expose shortcuts via interactions that are
+          consistent with exposure of an application icon’s context menu in the

NM, GitHub comments suck sometimes. This was in reference to "A user agent MUST render the shortcuts" right?

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