Re: [whatwg/fetch] Add a speculative flag to `Request` as well as related processing (#881)

annevk commented on this pull request.

> @@ -3101,6 +3104,10 @@ the request.
    <a for=request>origin</a> to  <var>request</var>'s
    <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for="environment settings object">origin</a>.
+   <li><p>If a <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>speculative flag</a> is set, then the user agent
+   may <a for=fetch lt=terminated>terminate</a> the <a>fetch</a> and return an <a>aborted network
+   error</a>, in cases where it's reasonable to believe it will result in better user experience.

How concrete is it in the implementation?

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