Re: [whatwg/fetch] More CORB-protected MIME types - safelist-based approach (#721)

I'm not sure I completely understand all the issues here so I apologize if I am missing something. I just wanted to point out that range requests are not only limited to requests initiated by a audio/video tag. Web applications that use Media Source Extensions (MSE) typically use XHR and fetch to get media data and will use range requests to fetch media segments from the middle of a file. I think in most sane scenarios @jakearchibald suggestion of referencing a request that accesses the beginning of the file could work because these applications usually access the beginning of the file to get the "initialization segment" for initializing codecs.

There are some "advanced" scenarios where this initialization data might be passed down embedded in the HTML/JS to "save a round trip" and in that case it is likely that an XHR or fetch with a Content-Range would occur on a URL w/o accessing the beginning of the resource. I understand we probably can't accommodate all scenarios but I just wanted to point this out as a thing applications might do.

Another thing I noticed while trying to follow this discussion is that the  "audio or video type pattern matching algorithm" might not properly detect Basic Media Segments( as media because they don't contain the EBML header that the sniffing logic is looking for. These types of segment are used to avoid the overhead of resending the initialization segment in each segment request. IIUC though this sniffing only occurs if the Content-Type isn't set correctly so I guess it is ok if this fails. It might encourage sites to fix their Content-Type.

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