Re: [w3c/editing] [execCommand] fix ReSpec errors (#196)

saschanaz commented on this pull request.

> @@ -795,8 +772,7 @@ <h2 id="methods-to-query-and-execute-commands">Methods to query and
                         <a class="external" data-anolis-spec="dom" href=
                         "" title=
                         "concept-event">event</a> at <var title="">affected
-                        editing host</var> that uses the <code><a href=
-                        "#editingbeforeinputevent">EditingBeforeInputEvent</a></code>
+                        editing host</var> that uses the <a>EditingBeforeInputEvent</a>
                         interface. The event's <code class="external"
                         data-anolis-spec="dom" title="dom-Event-type"><a href=

OMG what did even mean??

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