[whatwg/streams] Fix pipe not aborting when both preventAbort and preventCancel are set (#1006)

When both flags are set, the _abortAlgorithm_ passes an empty list of actions to ["wait for all"](https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/promises-guide/#waiting-for-all). This helper should immediately resolve the returned promise when no promises are given, but instead the promise remained pending forever.

This fixes the reference implementation of the "wait for all" helper to resolve correctly when given an empty list of promises. This matches the spec change in w3ctag/promises-guide#58.
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Fix pipe not aborting when both preventAbort and preventCancel are set

-- File Changes --

    M reference-implementation/lib/helpers.js (4)

-- Patch Links --


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Received on Friday, 12 July 2019 22:28:23 UTC