[heycam/webidl] Get specs updated to new dictionary defaulting setup (#758)

Followup to https://github.com/heycam/webidl/pull/750 that probably needs to wait for https://github.com/plinss/widlparser/issues/39 and https://github.com/tabatkins/bikeshed/issues/1491 to be fixed.

To-be-triaged list of things that might need updating, based on Gecko's IDL that needed to be changed:

- [ ] DeviceMotionEvent
- [ ] AppNotificationServiceOptions
- [ ] TCPSocket
- [ ] CustomElementRegistry
- [ ] UDPMessageEvent
- [ ] MediaStreamTrack
- [ ] CacheStorage
- [ ] EventSource
- [ ] ProgressEvent
- [ ] FileSystemDirectoryEntry
- [ ] CanvasRenderingContext2D
- [ ] PaymentResponse
- [ ] SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
- [ ] AudioWorkletProcessor
- [ ] ServiceWorkerRegistration
- [ ] WebGPU
- [ ] FocusEvent
- [ ] RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
- [ ] PushSubscription
- [ ] BlobEvent
- [ ] MIDIConnectionEvent
- [ ] IntersectionObserver
- [ ] RTCPeerConnection
- [ ] AnimationPlaybackEvent
- [ ] FontFaceSetLoadEvent
- [ ] CSPReport
- [ ] PeerConnectionObserver
- [ ] Worker
- [ ] PaymentRequestUpdateEvent
- [ ] WebAuthentication
- [ ] ResizeObserver
- [ ] HTMLAudioElement
- [ ] MutationObserver
- [ ] DOMQuad
- [ ] DynamicsCompressorNode
- [ ] EventTarget
- [ ] ScrollViewChangeEvent
- [ ] DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
- [ ] HTMLBRElement
- [ ] Worklet
- [ ] DeviceLightEvent
- [ ] GamepadEvent
- [ ] RTCSessionDescription
- [ ] StreamFilterDataEvent
- [ ] AnalyserNode
- [ ] AudioWorkletNode
- [ ] ExtendableMessageEvent
- [ ] CompositionEvent
- [ ] AddonManager
- [ ] CustomEvent
- [ ] MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
- [ ] MessagePort
- [ ] StyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent
- [ ] IDBFactory
- [ ] DOMRect
- [ ] PushEvent
- [ ] FontFace
- [ ] MouseEvent
- [ ] AnimationEffect
- [ ] StereoPannerNode
- [ ] Response
- [ ] SVGGraphicsElement
- [ ] CredentialManagement
- [ ] BaseAudioContext
- [ ] AnonymousContent
- [ ] Clients
- [ ] SpeechRecognitionError
- [ ] TCPServerSocketEvent
- [ ] Cache
- [ ] UDPSocket
- [ ] MediaKeys
- [ ] Reporting
- [ ] PushManager
- [ ] GamepadAxisMoveEvent
- [ ] Console
- [ ] PopStateEvent
- [ ] FrameCrashedEvent
- [ ] Geolocation
- [ ] HTMLHtmlElement
- [ ] MediaEncryptedEvent
- [ ] FuzzingFunctions
- [ ] Element
- [ ] IntlUtils
- [ ] DOMPoint
- [ ] MessageEvent
- [ ] BiquadFilterNode
- [ ] Animatable
- [ ] DragEvent
- [ ] Request
- [ ] ConvolverNode
- [ ] CloseEvent
- [ ] InputEvent
- [ ] UserProximityEvent
- [ ] AudioContext
- [ ] MediaDevices
- [ ] StorageEvent
- [ ] TCPSocketEvent
- [ ] ImageCaptureErrorEvent
- [ ] ConstantSourceNode
- [ ] XULPopupElement
- [ ] MozApplicationEvent
- [ ] KeyboardEvent
- [ ] ErrorEvent
- [ ] CaretStateChangedEvent
- [ ] DOMMatrix
- [ ] Document
- [ ] PeriodicWave
- [ ] IDBVersionChangeEvent
- [ ] Event
- [ ] File
- [ ] HTMLInputElement
- [ ] SVGTextContentElement
- [ ] WaveShaperNode
- [ ] TouchEvent
- [ ] HTMLHeadElement
- [ ] MediaRecorder
- [ ] PerformanceObserverEntryList
- [ ] AnimationEvent
- [ ] HTMLDivElement
- [ ] WheelEvent
- [ ] PageTransitionEvent
- [ ] PopupBlockedEvent
- [ ] XMLDocument
- [ ] MerchantValidationEvent
- [ ] Client
- [ ] PaymentMethodChangeEvent
- [ ] DeviceProximityEvent
- [ ] SharedWorker
- [ ] DocumentTimeline
- [ ] DeviceOrientationEvent
- [ ] RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
- [ ] PointerEvent
- [ ] HashChangeEvent
- [ ] Navigator
- [ ] WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
- [ ] XMLHttpRequest
- [ ] PerformanceEntryEvent
- [ ] IDBObjectStore
- [ ] PerformanceObserver
- [ ] PluginCrashedEvent
- [ ] IDBFileHandle
- [ ] SpeechRecognitionEvent
- [ ] KeyframeEffect
- [ ] MozFrameLoaderOwner
- [ ] StyleSheetChangeEvent
- [ ] Window
- [ ] HTMLSlotElement
- [ ] IDBDatabase
- [ ] TestInterfaceJS
- [ ] HTMLTableCaptionElement
- [ ] UIEvent
- [ ] RTCIdentityProvider
- [ ] ExtendableEvent
- [ ] MIDIMessageEvent
- [ ] ChannelSplitterNode
- [ ] AudioBufferSourceNode
- [ ] TCPSocketErrorEvent
- [ ] WebrtcDeprecated
- [ ] GeometryUtils
- [ ] MediaQueryListEvent
- [ ] ChannelMergerNode
- [ ] TCPServerSocket
- [ ] PaymentRequest
- [ ] TrackEvent
- [ ] OscillatorNode
- [ ] Notification
- [ ] HTMLElement
- [ ] MediaStreamEvent
- [ ] ClipboardEvent
- [ ] ServiceWorker
- [ ] SVGGeometryElement
- [ ] HTMLSpanElement
- [ ] TransitionEvent
- [ ] HiddenPluginEvent
- [ ] PeerConnectionImpl
- [ ] GainNode
- [ ] ServiceWorkerContainer
- [ ] WebGLContextEvent
- [ ] RTCRtpSender
- [ ] RTCIceCandidate
- [ ] DelayNode
- [ ] TextDecoder
- [ ] PannerNode
- [ ] Blob
- [ ] StyleRuleChangeEvent
- [ ] GamepadButtonEvent
- [ ] Node

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Received on Friday, 5 July 2019 18:17:05 UTC