[whatwg/streams] Reconnecting a Stream after creating it - possible? (#1004)

Domenic said this might be a good place to ask...
I'm designing an API where I intend to use WHATWG Streams.
I have to make a choice between a model where I show the user a bunch of readable/writable/transferStreams and tell the user "connect them all", and a model where I present a connected network of streams, and tell the user "make the changes you want".

I experimented a little, and found that the code below didn't work - but I could find no obvious API to do what I wanted; once you have connected a stream, there seems to be no convenient API for reconnecting them, short of messing around with the readers and writers explicitly.

Is there something obvious I'm missing?

Thanks in advance!

var dest1 = new WritableStream({
  write(chunk) {
    console.log('Dest 1 got ' + chunk);

var dest2 = new WritableStream({
  write(chunk) {
    console.log('Dest 2 got ' + chunk);

var src = new ReadableStream({
  start(controller) {
    const producer = () => {
      setTimeout(producer, 1000);
    setTimeout(producer, 1000);


const pipeTo1 = () => {
  console.log('Piping to 1');

const pipeTo2 = async () => {
  console.log('Piping to 2');
  // Here there's something missing

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