Re: [w3c/webcomponents] [feature request] change when upgrade/connected happens during parsing, so that it is the first event in the following microtask (#787)

Alright, I thought about it, a workaround for using the `MutationObserver` approach and also being able to clean up on `disconnectedCallback` and re-observe on `connectedCallback`,  is to:

- create the observer in the `constructor` so that we get the benefit of it during parsing,
- disconnect and dispose of it in `disconnectedCallback`,
- and in `connectedCallback` create a new observer if one doesn't exist. So `connectedCallback` will handle cases of imperative manipulation of the elements (suppose they are cached and will be re-used by React's (or other lib's) internals), while the `constructor` will handle the parsing case.

A **very big downside** of this approach is that an observer is created even if the node is outside of a tree, and like I mentioned above in the previous comment, I'd rather make it behave the way `connectedCallback` and `disconnectedCallback` do with respect to a those callback being called on a tree only when the tree is inserted into a document.

This is bad because:

- for a tree outside of a document,
- `childConnectedCallback` will be called on parents, while `connectedCallback` will not be called on children.
- This will cause drastically different behavior from nodes that are in a document, and will definitely be a source of bugs that require extra complexity to solve.

The `CustomEvent` approach has the advantage that because it is implemented in `connectedCallback` and `disconnectedCallback`, it happens only when the tree is inserted into a document, which is 👍, so:

- The `connectedCallback` of a child **always** corresponds one-to-one with a `childConnectedCallback` call in the parent.
- Same with `disconnectedCallback` and `childDisconnectedCallback`
- this prevents the above problem.

So taking @rniwa's example, here's an updated version showing the `constructor` + `connectedCallback` approach. Look in the console to see the problem I just described, and you'll see that for the element which are not being placed into the document, the execution of code is imbalanced:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <pre id="log"></pre>
   let instanceCount = 0

    class TestElement extends HTMLElement {
     constructor() {
      this.instanceNumber = ++instanceCount
      this.changeCount = 0

     connectedCallback() {
      console.log('PARENT CONNECTED CALLBACK') = 'display: block'

     disconnectedCallback() {

     childConnectedCallback(child) {
      console.log('CHILD CONNECTED CALLBACK')
        `child changed! Change count: ${
        }, Child tag: <${child.tagName.toLowerCase()}>, Child number: ${

     createObserver() {
      if (this._observer) return
      this._observer = new MutationObserver(changes => {
       for (const change of changes) {
        change.type === 'childList' &&
         change.addedNodes &&
         Array.from(change.addedNodes).forEach(child => {
          if (!(child instanceof Element)) return
      this._observer.observe(this, { childList: true })

     destroyObserver() {
      if (!this._observer) return
      this._observer = null

   setInterval(() => {

    console.log(' --- Test tree outside of the document:')
    // shows that the MutationObserver still operates on Nodes that are not in a document. :(
    const one = document.createElement('test-element')
    const two = document.createElement('test-element')
    const three = document.createElement('test-element')
   }, 1000)

That's not a nice problem to have. The both APIs should be symmetrical!

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