Re: [heycam/webidl] Import (and fix) the promises guide (#490)

As background, one of the major things wrong with the promises guide is that it was written before I was bought into the Web IDL ecosystem, so it tries to be usable from JS specs as well. A lot of the definitions take as arguments JS values or JS functions, whereas you really want to be using them with IDL values or lists of steps. is the section in question, mainly.

Here is what I would do for this issue, if I had the time to do so.

- Redefine "a promise resolved with" to use PromiseResolve(%Promise%, x converted from Web IDL to JS).
  - Potentially separate out two variants of it
  - Nobody uses "x resolved as a promise"; delete that
- Redefine "a promise rejected with" to use %Promise_reject%.
- Fix all call sites of "resolve a promise" etc. to explicitly queue a task, instead of the current implicit task queuing. This fixes
- Make the Web IDL promise type a wrapper around a PromiseCapability record, not just a JS Promise object.
- Formalize "resolve" and "reject" on Web IDL promise types using the [[Resolve]] and [[Reject]] record fields. Insert type conversions as appropriate. Potentially separate out "resolved with" and "resolved with an arbitrary value".
- Re-do Web IDL's "perform some steps once a promise is settled" to use PerformPromiseThen (with no resultCapability).
    - Add examples of how to use "perform some steps once a promise is settled". Draw on existing usages of "upon fulfillment" and "upon rejection" in promise-heavy specs (e.g. Streams, Service Worker, maybe HTML) to ensure that this pattern is ergonomic.
    - If the pattern is not ergonomic, then update "upon fulfillment" and "upon rejection" to be specializations of "perform some steps once a promise is settled". If it is ergonomic, delete those terms and update all specs to use "perform some steps once a promise is settled".
    - Fix "perform some steps once a promise is settled" to handle type conversion errors in step 2.2.2.
- Formalize "transforming" in terms of PerformPromiseThen with a resultCapability. This will require care around the various conversions involved. Be sure to survey existing usages to make sure they're compatible.
- Import "wait for all" and "get a promise for waiting for all". Those were recently rewritten in so they should be on OK ground; they just need some conversions between Web IDL and JS type systems.
- Promise-calling may be obsolete (subsumed by "invoking" a callback type with a Promise return value). Survey any existing usages. They may be all in streams, in which case it can move there.
- Add realm arguments to the newly-formalized mechanisms, per and possibly some other issues.
- Deal with Some options:
  - Delete
  - Keep as a reference for JS developers, gutting all spec-person-facing content.
  - Rewrite to be Web IDL-based, using the new algorithms
  - Rewrite to be Web IDL-based, and move it into the Web IDL spec
- Do another pass through the guide to make it more Web IDL focused.

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