Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Clarify dynamic-imported scripts are never installed (#1356)

> There was rough consensus that throwing on dynamic imports for now is the safe thing to do, with room to change later as we get real usage of module service workers and understand the problem more.

Why not just try and throw if the network request fails? (keeping in mind all the existing limitations for loading scripts async in SW via `importScripts()`).

From a developer perspective, the primary use case I can think of for dynamic `import()` in SW would be in the install event -- where you might want to lazily load migration code based on the user's current version and the new installing version. If you have many previous versions, you wouldn't want all users to have to load all migration code for all previous versions every time the SW starts up.

But in the install event, you're most likely to have network, so it's unlikely to be an issue.

The other concern I have about always failing is it'd make it much harder to generically share code between the window and the SW. Realistically, though, I can't think of many cases where the code I'd want to share would require dynamic `import()`.

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