Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Clarify determination of active service worker and spec plan (#1455)

jakearchibald approved this pull request.

Just one nit. This is good clarifying text!

-    A [=/service worker client=] independently <a lt="selection">selects</a> and <a>uses</a> a [=/service worker registration=] for its own loading and its subresources. The <dfn id="dfn-service-worker-registration-selection">selection</dfn> of a [=/service worker registration=], upon a <a>non-subresource request</a>, is a process of either <a lt="Match Service Worker Registration">matching</a> a [=/service worker registration=] from <a>scope to registration map</a> or inheriting an existing [=/service worker registration=] from its parent or owner context depending on the request's [=request/url=].
+    A [=/service worker client=] has an [=active service worker=] that serves its own loading and its subresources. When a [=/service worker client=] has a non-null [=active service worker=], it is said to be <dfn id="dfn-control" lt="controlling|controls|controlled">controlled</dfn> by the [=/service worker=]. When a [=/service worker client=] is [=controlled=] by a [=/service worker=], it is said that the [=/service worker client=] is <dfn id="dfn-use" lt="using|uses|used">using</dfn> the [=/service worker=]’s [=containing service worker registration=].

> When a [=/service worker client=] has a non-null [=active service worker=], it is said to be <dfn id="dfn-control" lt="controlling|controls|controlled">controlled</dfn> by the [=/service worker=]

Should `the [=/service worker=]` be `that [=active service worker=]`?

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