Re: [heycam/webidl] More convenient way to refer to / use "map iterators" - tuples (#324)

Something like this could work for converting tuples; it'd just need to be added everywhere types are mentioned.

<div id="es-to-tuple" algorithm="convert an ECMAScript value to tuple">

    An ECMAScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=] to an IDL
    <a lt="tuple type">tuple&lt;<var ignore>T</var><sub>0</sub>, …, <var ignore>T</var><sub>|n| &minus; 1</sub>&gt;</a>
    value as follows:

    1.  If [$Type$](|V|) is not Object, [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
    1.  Let |iter| be [=?=] [$GetIterator$](|V|, <emu-const>sync</emu-const>).
    1.  Let |i| be 0.
    1.  While |i| &lt; |n|:
        1.  Let |next| be [=?=] [$IteratorStep$](|iter|).
        1.  If |next| is <emu-val>false</emu-val>, [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
        1.  Let |nextItem| be [=?=] [$IteratorValue$](|next|).
        1.  Initialize |S|<sub>|i|</sub> to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
            |nextItem| to an IDL value of type |T|_|i|.
        1.  Set |i| to |i| + 1.
    1.  Return a tuple where the value of the element at index |j| is |S|<sub>|j|</sub>.

<div id="tuple-to-es" algorithm="convert a tuple to an ECMAScript value">

    An IDL tuple value |tuple| of type
    <a lt="tuple type">tuple&lt;<var ignore>T</var><sub>0</sub>, …, <var ignore>T</var><sub>|n| &minus; 1</sub>&gt;</a> is
    [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converted=]
    to an ECMAScript Array object as follows:

    1.  Let |A| be [=!=] [$ArrayCreate$](0).
    1.  Let |i| be 0.
    1.  While |i| &lt; |n|:
        1.  Let |V| be the value in |S| at index |i|.
        1.  Let |E| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
            |V| to an ECMAScript value.
        1.  Let |P| be the result of calling [$ToString$](|i|).
        1.  Call [$CreateDataProperty$](|A|, |P|, |E|).
        1.  Set |i| to |i| + 1.
    1.  Return |A|.

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