Re: [whatwg/dom] Define cloning steps for an select element (#644)

Let's see what is being done in libraries. Take this. Оne of those that did a lot in due time to show that standards need to be changed. 
([jquery src code of clone]( :

> Note: For performance reasons, the dynamic state of certain form elements (e.g., user data typed into textarea and user selections made to a select) is not copied to the cloned elements. When cloning input elements, the dynamic state of the element (e.g., user data typed into text inputs and user selections made to a checkbox) is retained in the cloned elements.

Hmm, see related bug. :

> Changed 11 years ago by brandon
The fix for this is to expensive for the core and has been removed in 1.2. The workaround is simple. Just copy the selectedIndex from the original.

The library would copy the state, but refer to performance. At least he understands that this is important and documented this.

Other voices (viewed | 31,738 times)

Maybe backward compatibility is not relevant here such great importance? Anyway everyone expects this behavior and copy the state. So if the native function does it right away, then nothing will change.

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