**TL;DR: try "Copy JS Path" in Chrome Canary to get a "js selector" for nodes inside Shadow DOM.**
Hi everybody!
In Chrome 72 (current Canary) we introduced a new option - "Copy JS Path", located right next to the "Copy Selector" option:

This produces a javascript one-liner that fetches the selected element. For some element `"#foo"` inside shadow DOM the one-liner might look like this:
In puppeteer, one-liner can be used to fetch `ElementHandles` like this:
// Fetch element using the "js selector"
const buttonHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(`document.querySelector('#container').shadowRoot.querySelector('#foo')`);
// Click element
await buttonHandle.click();
We think this should help in many cases when dealing with Shadow DOM. Please give it a shot
and let us know what you think!
-Puppeteer Team
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