- From: arturjanc <notifications@github.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 04:44:27 -0700
- To: w3ctag/design-reviews <design-reviews@noreply.github.com>
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- Message-ID: <w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/280/397265773@github.com>
To answer some of @annevk and @dbaron's questions above, I figured I'd elaborate on the benefits we expect to get out of `Sec-Metadata`'s approach based on an HTTP request header. These benefits boil down to two important areas: the overall security benefit offered by this feature, and its ease of adoption. When it comes to offering protections against cross-origin information leaks, it seems important to provide the server with context about the request which allows it to make a security decision upfront, *before* any server-side processing has occurred. For example, mechanisms using a response header such as [Cross Origin Resource Policy](https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/687) leave the application susceptible to CSRF (because any side effects of handling a request on the server will remain even if the browser doesn't expose the response to its initiating context) and timing attacks (because the amount of time to generate a response and return it to the client doesn't change, and can be leaked via the usual side channels). A model where a server has a chance to reject an unexpected / unwanted request before taking any action is a powerful primitive which addresses cross-origin infoleaks in a more robust way. The main advantage of `Sec-Metadata`, however, lies in its adoptability -- which is a crucial aspect for any opt-in security feature which requires developers to make often non-trivial changes to their applications. From experience with CSP we know that it's difficult for developers to track the locations of resources loaded by their applications; CSP's `report-only` mode is a critical tool in any non-trivial deployment of CSP to prevent the policy from breaking existing resource loads. Arguably, tracking dependencies in the other direction, i.e. understanding which of the application's resources are being requested by other origins, is even less tractable because developers don't get much useful information about the initiators of requests to their applications. The desire to make mechanisms such as C-O-R-P simple leads to them not shipping with a reporting mode similar to the one in CSP, meaning that developers have no safety net during deployment -- they can only find out about things that broke after they enable the restrictions in their production environments, which increases the risk of adoption. `Sec-Metadata` allows developers to know which resources would be affected before enforcing any restrictions on cross-origin resource loads. The developer can first review incoming values of `Sec-Metadata` headers to understand which, if any, endpoints are being accessed by other origins. If all requests which carry `Sec-Metadata` set `site=same-site` or `site=same-origin`, the developer knows that she can reject cross-origin requests without the risk of breaking existing functionality. This design allows building a server-side equivalent to CSP's `report-only` mode without adding more complexity in the browser; it also makes it possible to create generic middleware for common server-side frameworks which will both handle such reporting, and provide a set of easy to understand security policies (e.g. "lock down my application to only same-origin non-navigational requests" or "lock down my scripts so they can only be fetched same-site or from example.org"). Based on our experience, the request header model is significantly easier for developers to deploy than either the `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` response header or `SameSite` cookies. With C-O-R-P, the lack of a report-only mode is a large obstacle to adoption in many applications (as is its current inability to permit cross-site resource loads, though this is fixable); if deploying a security feature leads to any user-visible breakage, it often becomes much more difficult to convince product teams to give it a second chance. `SameSite` cookie deployments run into the problems I [mentioned above](https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/280#issuecomment-394623002) (e.g. breaking authenticated cross-site CORS requests): basically, most developers cannot set their authentication cookies as `SameSite` so they would need to set an auxiliary SameSite cookie cryptographically tied to the authentication token, and verify its presence on a per-endpoint basis, which by itself is fairly cumbersome. Even in this more flexible setup there are fairly large deployment concerns -- for example, a developer couldn't gather data about endpoints which are only accessed in a same-site context because cookies marked as `SameSite` are sent on all requests by browsers which don't understand this attribute. `Sec-Metadata` aims for the "sweet spot" by both providing a more robust security benefit (protection against most known types of cross-origin information leaks) and solving the deployment problems we've seen in other mechanisms by allowing incremental adoption without requiring either extensive application-level changes or adding browser-side reporting infrastructure. As a bonus, it seems like a relatively small feature for a user-agent to implement, since many of the fields it proposes map to request data that the browser already has to keep track of for other reasons, e.g. for Fetch. The main trade-off on the Sec-Metadata side is that its design requires writing server-side code to inspect the request header and make security decisions. Developers often like to define security restrictions as static response headers in their server config -- they wouldn't be able to do this here. At the same time, the middleware to inspect `Sec-Metadata` will likely be generic enough that most applications will be able to use one of the preset, easy to understand policies outlined above. My guess is that this model is the right trade-off for handling the problem of cross-origin information leakage in moderately complex applications: it gives developers enough information to make meaningful security decisions, without requiring adding extensive new machinery to the web platform. -- You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/280#issuecomment-397265773
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