[w3c/manifest] What to do after webapp installation ? (#705)

I want to discuss about the possibility to give more control (to the developer) on what to do after webapp installation.

Current UA behavior after webapp installation:
- None of android browsers open the installed webapp
- Chrome desktop close the tab and open the installed webapp

I tought about trigger `appinstalled` event on every page load (if the app is already installed) and hence it with:
- isWebappContext: readonly property
- open(): method to launch the installed webapp

Description of a complete use case:
- `beforeinstallprompt` event is triggered
- Save `beforeinstallprompt` event -> show an "install button"
- Click on "install button" -> call `BeforeInstallPrompt.prompt()`
- `appinstalled` event is triggered -> Hide the "install button" -> show an "open app button"
- Click on "open app button" -> call `AppInstalledEvent.open()`
- The webapp is opened in app context
- Check if AppInstalledEvent.isWebappContext is true -> hide the "open app button".

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