Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Provide a lightweight mechanism to add styles to a custom element (#468)


> How Is this different from @ apply (assuming it will be eventually implemented and will work cross shadow boundary)?

Even if `@apply` were to be cross-shadow, we'd need to add a shadow root (with a style element in it) to every element that needs to have a `:host` style `@apply`d, even if the element _will not have_ any content in the shadow root except a `<slot>` element just so light content renders. This is lots of overhead: for example, for 1000 elements that don't need a shadow root other than to apply host styling, we will instantiate 1000 shadow roots and 1000 style elements. Compare this to instantiating 1 string mapped to 1 style sheet; applying the style to all 1000 elements with just the 1 string and 1 stylesheet.

`@apply` works inside of a stylesheet, while this new mechanism is a way to apply a stylesheet from outside a stylesheet (not CSS), and so with this map we can define how styles are applied in way that isn't as heavy as the shadow DOM approach.


But in the topic of `@apply`, it could be possible to just make an out-of-CSS mechanism to apply custom properties on a custom element. F.e.:

class MyEl extends HTMLElement {
  static get styles() { return [
    "--some-rules", "--other-rules"


customElements.define('my-el', MyEl, {
  apply: [ "--some-rules", "--other-rules" ]

But that might be less flexible. Stylesheets support features besides rules (media queries, animation keyframes).

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