Re: [heycam/webidl] Make interface prototype object creation imperative (#494)

bzbarsky commented on this pull request.

> +        and |interface| [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
+        then set |proto| to the [=named properties object=] in |realm| of |interface|.
+    1.  Otherwise, if |interface| is declared to inherit from another interface,
+        then set |proto| to the [=interface prototype object=] in |realm|
+        of that [=inherited interface=].
+    1.  Otherwise, if |interface| is the {{DOMException}} [=interface=],
+        then set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%ErrorPrototype%}}]].
+    1.  Otherwise, if |interface| is declared with the [{{LegacyArrayClass}}] [=extended attribute=],
+        then set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%ArrayPrototype%}}]].
+    1.  Otherwise, set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%ObjectPrototype%}}]].
+    1.  Assert: <a abstract-op>Type</a>(|proto|) is Object.
+    1.  Let |interfaceProtoObj| be [=!=] <a abstract-op>ObjectCreate</a>(|proto|).
+    1.  If |interface| has any [=member=] declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=],
+        then:
+        1.  Let |unscopableObject| be the result of performing [=!=]
+            <a abstract-op>ObjectCreate</a>(<emu-val>null</emu-val>).

The null unscopable thing is

Safari already has the right behavior.  

I filed (though of course picked up the wrong account _again_, so if that can be changed or the issue deleted I would appreciate that) and which has idlharness tests for this stuff.

I can't file bugs on Edge, unfortunately, so someone else will have to do that.

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Received on Saturday, 10 February 2018 05:53:58 UTC