Re: [w3c/manifest] Add IDL section and define IDL for all the members (#613)

kenchris commented on this pull request.

> -             sequence<ImageResource>? icons;
-             sequence<ImageResource>? screenshots;
-             sequence<USVString>? categories;
-             DOMString? iarc_rating_id;
-             USVString? start_url;
-             DisplayModeType? display;
-             OrientationLockType? orientation;
-             USVString? theme_color;
-             USVString? background_color;
-             USVString? scope;
-             ServiceWorkerRegistration? serviceworker;
-             sequence<ExternalApplicationResource>? related_applications;
-             boolean? prefer_related_applications;
+             TextDirectionType dir;
+             DOMString lang;
+             USVString name;

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