Re: [heycam/webidl] [WIP] Add mixins (#433)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> +
+Each [=interface=] |I| that [=includes=] a [=mixin=] |M| must receive
+a copy of each of the [=mixin members|members=] of |M|.
+Each [=mixin member=] cooy is treated as if it had been declared on |I|.
+Its <dfn>host interface</dfn> is |I|.
+Note: In ECMAScript, this implies that each [=regular operation=]
+declared as a [=mixin member|member=] of [=mixin=] |M|,
+and exposed as a data property with a [=built-in function object=] value,
+is a distinct [=built-in function object=]
+in each [=interface prototype object=]
+whose associated [=interface=] [=includes=] |M|.
+Similarly, for [=attributes=], each copy of the accessor property has
+distinct [=built-in function objects=] for its getters and setters.
+The order of appearance of an [=includes statement=] does not matter.

We certainly shouldn't say it doesn't matter. Linking to an open issue for cross-document makes sense, while stating that it does matter within documents, perhaps.

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