Re: [whatwg/url] Consider percent-encoding more characters in "fragment state" (#344)

> Ok. Would coalescing around Firefox's current encoding make sense?

I don't know, honestly.  At some point it would be good to involve someone from Firefox's networking team here.  Maybe @mcmanus knows who would be a good contact for that.

> maybe you could point me to the right spot?

I believe the right spot is as of today

That table has, for each ASCII char, a bitmask indicating where it does NOT need to be escaped.  The bit for fragments is `1<<9`, so they get escaped for all the entries in the table that are < 512 (hey at least this one is easy to skim for...).

That looks like 0x00-0x20 (control chars and space), 0x22 (`"`), 0x25 (`%`), 0x3C (`<`), 0x3E (`>`), 0x60 (<code>`</code>) and anything above 0x7E.  Which I guess is what @rmisev got via his testing, good.

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