Re: [w3c/manifest] Add IDL section and define IDL for all the members (#613)

tobie commented on this pull request.

> -          </li>
-          <li>Let <var>service worker registration</var> of <var>parsed
-          manifest</var> be the result of running the <a>steps for processing
-          the <code>serviceworker</code> member</a> with <var>manifest</var>,
-          <var>manifest URL</var>, and <var>serviceworker</var> as arguments.
-          </li>
-          <li>Let <var>display mode</var> of <var>parsed manifest</var> be the
-          result of running the <a>steps for processing the
-          <code>display</code> member</a> with <var>manifest</var> as the
-          argument.
-          </li>
-          <li>Let <var>orientation</var> of <var>parsed manifest</var> be the
-          result of running the <a>steps for processing the
-          <code>orientation</code> member</a> with <var>manifest</var> and
-          <var>display mode</var> as arguments.
+          <li>Let <a>WebAppManifest</a> <var>manifest</var> be the result of

Yes, your want to convert to that particular dictionary type. Not dictionaries in general. The json var is an ES object at this point, right?

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